Profile Editor Role

This optional feature was designed to allow website User Administrators to delegate profile editing ability to individuals who have a person page on a website.  Implementing this is as simple as adding an individual's NetID to their person page, and then adding that person as a user on your site with the new role: Profile Editor.

This role grants users the following permissions:

  1. Editing Person Nodes: Users can edit:
    • Person nodes where they are listed as the Author.
    • Person nodes with a NetID that matches their login credentials.
  2. Managing Publications: Profile editors can modify the order and visibility of publications displayed in the Publication Block on their Person page.

How to Add a User with the Profile Editor Role

Note: If you want a user to have access to edit/update only their person page on the website, then select only the Profile Editor role. Content Administrator and Content Editor roles by default have the privilege to create/update content on the entire website. 
  1. Log in to your site using the /cas log in procedure.
  2. In the top menu, click on People
  3. Click the blue button labeled + Add User(s) with NetID
  4. Type the person's NetID in the CAS username(s) field. 

    Note: Do not enter full email addresses, only the NetID.
  5. Select the desired Role(s). In this case, Profile editor
  6. Save.

How to Add/Update the NetID on an Existing Person Node

  1. Log in to your site using the /cas log in procedure.
  2. Navigate to the person node where you want to update the "NetID"
  3. Click on Edit
  4. In the main column, navigate to NetID
  5. Type the NetID of the person
  6. Save.

How to Add/Update an Author on an Existing Person Node

  1. Log in to your site using the /cas log in procedure.
  2. Navigate to the person node where you want to update the "Author"
  3. Click on Edit
  4. On the Right column, navigate to Authoring Information
  5. Click inside the text box for Authored by
  6. Type the NetID of the Profile Editor
  7. Save.

    Note: Profile Editor can be an author on multiple Person nodes.

How to Navigate the Site with a Profile Editor Role

  1. Log in to your site using the /cas log in procedure.
  2. Find the content you are allowed to update
    1. Navigate to your person node via the menu OR
    2. Click on your NetID in the top black bar, then click "View/Edit my web page"
  3. Save.
Screenshot of profile editor menu