Quickstart Finder is a module that can be enabled to allow you to add search and filter functionality to a variety of views. Quickstart Finder works with AZ Pages, AZ News, AZ Events, and AZ People.

View | Display | Finder Block |
AZ Person | Grid page | Exposed form: az_person-grid |
Grid - Modal | Exposed form: az_person-grid_modal | |
Row page | Exposed form: az_person-row | |
Grid 3 col | Exposed form: az_person-grid_block_3cols | |
Grid - Modal 3 col | Exposed form: az_person-grid_modal_3cols | |
AZ Events | Grid view | Exposed form: az_events-az_grid |
Grid view with images | Exposed form: az_events-az_grid_images | |
Past grid view with images | Exposed form: az_events-az_past_grid_images | |
AZ News | Paged row view | Exposed form: az_news-az_paged_row |
Grid view | Exposed form: az_news-az_grid | |
AZ Pages | Row page | Exposed form: az_page_by_category-row |
Grid page | Exposed form: az_page_by_category-grid |
How to implement
First, add the desired content view of pages, news, events, or people to a page:
- Create a page
- Add a View paragraph type
- Select desired view from the options above
- Save the page
- Copy the URL path of the page after
Next, enable the filter block to display as a sidebar on the page:
- Navigate to Structure > Block layout
- Next to the Sidebar first region, select Place block
- Select Place block next to the matching block
- Specific block names are identified above
- Change the block settings as needed
- Select the desired title settings
- Under visibility, select Pages and paste the page path in the box to the right
- Save block
- Save blocks
Now you will see the view results and block on the page you created.
Change filter formatting
To allow for headings and more functionality as seen in the screenshot below, a taxonomy hierarchy must be implemented.

- Navigate to Structure > Taxonomy
- Click List terms next to Page Categories
- Add terms if needed
- Drag and drop terms in the desired nesting structure
- Any term that has nested terms become non-clickable headings that the user can expand or collapse.
- Taxonomy terms with child terms are best named as a category and are not something that the user would expect to use as a filter for the results.
- Save
Updating Finder Functionality
NEW IN 2.11
Roles required
Overriding default finder functionality requires the Administrator or Content Administrator role.
Set finder overrides, providing enhanced control over search and filter functions on Finder enabled views.
Steps to Set Finder Overrides
- Access Finder Settings
- Navigate to Configuration > AZ Quickstart Settings > AZ Finder or directly go to
- Navigate to Configuration > AZ Quickstart Settings > AZ Finder or directly go to
- Configure Finder Overrides
- Default Display: Choose between "Expanded" or "Collapsed" for how taxonomy terms with children should behave by default.
- This setting is applied universally and is not context-aware, meaning terms must be using a collapsible element if "Collapsed" is selected.
- Add an Override:
- Select a specific filter widget from the dropdown to override the default display for each taxonomy term.
- Click "Override" to add the selected override.
- Override Settings for Specific Vocabularies: Adjust settings for how filter widgets behave when they have child terms, grouped by vocabulary.
- For each term, select "Expanded", "Collapsed", or "Default".
- Default Display: Choose between "Expanded" or "Collapsed" for how taxonomy terms with children should behave by default.
- Save and Apply Changes
- Click Save configuration to apply the new settings. The changes will take effect immediately.
- Clear Cache
- After saving the changes, navigate to
and click Clear all caches to ensure the new settings take effect.
- After saving the changes, navigate to
Updating Existing Finder Blocks
Review and update your current finder blocks to use the new overrides, ensuring you leverage the enhanced features.
Useful Links
Finder, Views, Filter, Exposed Form