Finding Content

The Content tab allows you easily navigate and find various content types on your website.

How to Find Content

Content refers to any of the items you can create by selecting Add Content. The 4 main types are Events, News, Pages, and People. Other types of content like webforms can be enabled by a site administrator.

  1. Navigate to Manage Content from the black menu bar at the top.
  2. Choose to filter by Title, Content type, Published Status, or Language.
    • Title: Name of the content piece
    • Content Type: Events, News, Page, Person, Webform
    • Published Status: Published, Unpublished content
    • Language: Choose to filter by the site's default language, or the content language selected for the page.
  3. Select Filter.

  1. Navigate to Manage Content from the black menu bar at the top.
  2. Choose to filter by Title, Content type, Published Status, or Recently Updated Content.
  3. Select Sort. 

    Image of Sort button
    • If the displayed arrow is pointing down, items will be displayed in ascending order
    • If the displayed arrow is point up, items will be displayed in descending order
  4. Select Filter.

How to Find Blocks

Blocks can be found under the Blocks tab using the same techniques. By default, the only block type is Flexible Blocks (also called Custom Blocks), but Basic Blocks can also be enabled on Arizona Sites.

  1. Navigate to Manage Content > Blocks.
  2. Choose to filter by Block Description, or Block Type.
    • Block Description: Name of the block
    • Block Type: Basic Block, Flexible Block
      • Flexible Block
        Create a block using Arizona Bootstrap components
      • Basic block
        A basic block contains a title and a body.
  3. Select Filter.

NOTE: Depending on the user's content editing permissions, some of the block types may not be available. 

  1. Navigate to Manage Content > Blocks.
  2. Choose to filter by Block Description, Block Type, or Recently Updated Content.
  3. Select Sort. 

    Image of Sort button
    • If the displayed arrow is pointing down, items will be displayed in ascending order
    • If the displayed arrow is point up, items will be displayed in descending order
  4. Select Apply.

How to Find Media

Media can be found under the Media tab using the same techniques used for Content and Blocks.

  1. Navigate to Manage Content > Media.
  2. Choose to filter by Media name, Content type, Published Status, or Language.
    • Media name: Name of the content piece
    • Content Type: Events, News, Page, Person, Webform
    • Published Status: Published, Unpublished content
    • Language: Choose to filter by the site's default language, or the content language selected for the page.
  3. Select Filter.

  1. Navigate to Manage Content > Media.
  2. Choose to filter by Media name, Content type, Published Status, or Recently Updated Content.
  3. Select Sort. 

    Image of Sort button
    • If the displayed arrow is pointing down, items will be displayed in ascending order
    • If the displayed arrow is point up, items will be displayed in descending order
  4. Select Filter.

NOTE: To reset filters or how content is sorted, simply select the Reset option.