Events are a listing feature that you can create and publish on your site and are displayed onto the website through Views.
How to Create an Event
- Navigate to Content > Add Content > Event.
- Enter a Title of your event and select the Date (these are the only two mandatory fields).
- You can add a Summary by expanding the Summary fields section in the right sidebar.
- Other fields include:
- Subtitle allows you to add a subtitle to your event
- Category (Taxonomy term) allows you to add your event to a category. More information on categories and taxonomy.
- Featured Images allows you to add images to be displayed at the top of the event page
- When allows you to specify when the event will take place
- Click Add another item to add more times for the event
- Event Description allows you to add a description for the event
- Where allows you to specify the location of the event with a URL and text
- Attachments allows you to add additional attachments to the event page
- Contacts allows you to add contacts for the event to the event page
- By default, when you save the event, the thumbnail image will be set to the first image you have selected in the Featured Images field. To make changes to the thumbnail image, expand the Summary fields section in the right sidebar.
- To simply adjust the cropping of the image for the thumbnail, edit the image and apply a new Card Image cropping.
- To prevent the thumbnail image from being set to match the first Featured Images image on every save, uncheck the Use Featured Image as Thumbnail checkbox.
Note: Future events on your site will automatically display by adding /calendar to the end of your site URL.
Summary Fields
Expanding Summary fields will give you options to change the content that is displayed in a view.
- Photo is the image used in the preview mode
- Summary displays added information in a view
- Web page URLs and email addresses will not turn into links automatically. There is no option to provide an additional link.
Useful Links
- Create a page or edit an existing one.
- Select the Add View button from the page elements.
- Add the bottom spacing using Additional Options.
- Select AZ Events from the View dropdown menu.
- Select a display from the Display dropdown menu (Grid View, Full Calendar).
- Selecting Grid View allows you to display three upcoming events on a page
- Save.