The Webform module enables site owners to easily access and view submissions from users.
Useful Links:
The Submissions page displays a customizable overview of a webform's submissions. Submissions can be reviewed, updated, flagged and/or annotated.
- Navigate to Manage > Structure > Webforms.
- Create or Build an existing webform.
- Select Results > Submissions.
NOTE: Submissions will display in a sorted order, with information from the webform being shown in order to which it was requested.
The Download page allows a webform's submissions to be exported into a customizable CSV (Comma Separated Values) file and other common data formats.
- Navigate to Manage > Structure > Webforms.
- Create or Build an existing webform.
- Select Results > Download.
- Select the desired options for export of the file.
- Format Options: Options for export format and delimiters can be chosen
- Element Options: Select which character an element with multiple values will use as a delimiter
- Header Options: Select how the column headers will be formatted and what delimiter will be used to separate them
- Entity Reference Options: The desired entity reference format can be adjusted
- Column Options: Indicate which columns will be included within the file export
- Download Options: Select how submissions will be sorted in the export, as well as if starred or flagged submissions should be the only included content
- Download.