Email/Handler Webform Settings

A webform's settings tab allows you to set specific settings related to email, like setting where the email confirmation and notification will be sent to and from. The same tab also allows you to add a handler which are used to route submitted data to external applications and send notifications & confirmations.

  1. Navigate to Manage > Structure > Webforms.
  2. Select the webform you would like to add an email to
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Emails/Handlers.
  5. Select Add email.
  6. Fill in the desired fields.
    • Title is required
    • To email specifies what email the submission will be sent to (required). The default is [site:mail], which will be the site email address
    • From email specifies what email the submission will be sent from (required). The default is [site:mail]
  7. Save

  1. Navigate to Manage > Structure > Webforms.
  2. Select the webform you would like to add an email to
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Emails/Handlers.
  5. Select Add handler.
  6. Select Add handler next to one of the handlers available.
    • Action triggers an action on a submission
    • Debug debugs a webform submission
    • Remote post posts webform submissions to a URL
    • Settings allows Webform settings to be overridden based on submission data, source entity fields, and conditions
  7. Fill in the desired fields.
  8. Save