The Publication content type enables you to display published academic articles, publications, and other works that adhere to various established styles and formatting conventions (such as MLA, AMA, Chicago, IEEE, and thousands more supported by the open source Citation Style Language (CSL) project!).
Note: An administrator must enable the "Quickstart Publication" module on your site in order to use this feature. Submit a request to have this module enabled on your website.
How to Create a Publication
- Navigate to Manage > Content
- Click the Add Content button
- Select Publication
- Enter the Title of the publication
- Select an Author
- If the author exists on your website (they were added on a previous Publication), select Add existing author.
- Search for the author in the search field that appears and select them.
- If the author does not exist as a Person entry on your website, select Add new author.
- Fill in the required author information in the space that appears.
- Learn how to manage authors.
- If the author exists on your website (they were added on a previous Publication), select Add existing author.
- Select the publication type from the Publication Type dropdown.
- Enter available information for Container Title, Issue, Volume, Version, Publisher, Location, and Pages. Details on what this information is is listed under each field.
- Select the date format from the Date Type dropdown.
- Enter a date under Publication Date.
- The end date is optional.
- Check the box labeled Date is approximate if the date entered in Publication Date is not known to be exact.
- Enter a date under Accessed Date.
- Enter a URL or relative link in the Link field.
- Enter any further links under Additional Links. (Optional)
- Enter a Digital Object Identifier in the DOI field. (Optional)
- Enter a PubMed Reference Number in the PMID field. (Optional)
- Upload a copy of the publication as a file such as a PDF by clicking Add media under Publication File. (Optional)
- Add an image by clicking Add media under Publication Image. (Optional)
- You can enter the publication's Abstract in the Abstract field. (Optional)
- Save
Useful Links
- Navigate to the URL /az-quickstart/settings/az-publication on your website.
- Choose the preferred default citation style for publications on your site.
This setting will apply the selected citation style as the default for all publications added to your site, ensuring consistency and adherence to academic standards.
If you need to use a style not included with Quickstart by default:
- Navigate to /admin/config/az-quickstart/settings/az-publication/az_citation_style.
- Click '+Add Quickstart Citation Style'.
- Enter a descriptive label for the style.
- Prefix the machine name with your site prefix (Example: law_redbook).
- Choose a CSL style from the styles repository.
- Check if the default CSL meets your needs. If not, select 'This style uses custom Citation Style Language'.
- Copy and modify the CSL from the repository as needed, or create a new one if you're familiar with CSL formatting.
Creating a new citation style is recommended over editing existing ones. However, if you need to override a citation style included with Quickstart:
- Navigate to /admin/config/az-quickstart/settings/az-publication/az_citation_style.
- Choose the citation style that you would like to edit.
- Enter a descriptive label for the style.
- Prefix the machine name with your site prefix (Example: law_redbook).
- Check if the default CSL meets your needs. If not, select 'This style uses custom Citation Style Language'.
- Copy and modify the CSL from the repository as needed, or create a new one if you're familiar with CSL formatting.