Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs,
Teaching, and Learning
Gail D. Burd, Ph.D.
Dr. Burd works closely with the Provost, other campus leaders, faculty, and members of her reporting units to advance the academic mission of the University.

Old Main
Working together to expand human potential, explore new horizons, and enrich life for all.
Graduate Credit for Seniors
A senior may register for a graduate course for either undergraduate or graduate credit with approval from the course instructor and the major advisor (for undergraduate credit) or the head of the department offering the course (for graduate credit). Additionally, juniors or seniors in the Honors Program may register for 500-level courses for undergraduate Honors credit with instructor and major advisor approval. An undergraduate who has been admitted to an Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) may request enrollment in a limited number of 500- or 600-level courses to be counted toward the bachelor's requirements and also toward the requirements for the master's degree; see the AMP Policy for details. Approval of the instructor, major advisor, and department head is needed to enroll for AMP credit. An Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses form must be submitted to the Registrar with the needed signatures in order to enroll in the course.
The Registrar will not process the graduate course enrollment unless the senior has a grade-point-average (GPA) of 3.000 or better on all University Credit and is proceeding toward graduation as directly as possible. Qualified seniors may enroll in 500-level courses for undergraduate or graduate credit (not both). Courses numbered at the 600-level are not open to undergraduates, with the exception of seniors admitted to an Accelerated Master's Program (AMP). Courses at the 700 and 900 levels are not available to undergraduates.