Roles and Permissions
Content Editors: Users with the Content Editor role can navigate the administration section with just a keyboard.
Enhance your efficiency with the keyboard navigation feature in the admin interface of your Quickstart site. Modeled after powerful tools like Alfred and Spotlight for Mac, this feature allows you to navigate your admin dashboard quickly and intuitively using just your keyboard.

How to Get Started
Activating the Keyboard-only Navigation Feature
- PC Users:
- Press Alt + D to open the navigation prompt.
- In Opera: Alt + Shift + D
- In Windows Internet Explorer: Alt + Ctrl + D
- Alternatively, use Alt + K across different browsers.
- MacOS Users:
- Press Option + D to open the navigation prompt.
- In Opera: Option + Shift + D
- In Windows Internet Explorer: Option + Ctrl + D
- Alternatively, use Option + K across different browsers.
Navigating to Admin Pages
Quick Access: Begin typing the name or part of the admin page you want to access. The system will suggest the closest match to minimize typing. Example: Typing ap
and pressing Enter will direct you to the "Appearance" admin page.
Selecting from Multiple Results: Use the Arrow Up and Arrow Down keys to navigate through multiple search results.
Advanced Navigation Commands
Adding Content with Ease: Use the :add
command followed by the content type you want to create. Example Command: Typing :add page
will allow you to start creating a new page immediately.
Roles and Permissions
Content Editors: Users with the Content Editor role can use the administration toolbar.
Understanding the Administrative Toolbar
The administrative toolbar gives you quick access to the most important administrative pages. The Toolbar module is enabled by default along with the shortcut bar displayed below it.

Uses of the Administrative Toolbar
- Content: Find, manage, and create new pages; manage comments.
- Structure: Edit blocks, define new content types, configure menus, administer tags with taxonomy, and configure some contributed modules.
- Appearance: Switch between themes, install themes, and update existing themes.
- Extend: Update, enable, disable, and install new modules.
- Configuration: Configure the settings for various functionalities, including some contributed modules. Edit user account settings, general site information, and other general administrative tasks.
- People: Manage existing users or create new user accounts.
- Reports: Display information about site security, necessary updates, and site activity.
- Help: Display information about the functionality of all modules installed on the site, including core modules. Each help page has a link to the module's online documentation page on
Roles and Permissions
Content Administrators: Users with the Content Administrator role can administer shortcuts and edit any shortcut set. Editing the current shortcut set will affect other users if that set has been assigned to or selected by other users.
Content Editors: Users with the Content Editor role can use the administration toolbar, and select any shortcut set.
Content Editors and Content Administrators: Users with both Content Administrator and Content Editor roles can edit any shortcut set.
Shortcuts Bar
Select the Shortcuts menu to view a customizable list of shortcuts on the white bar below the Toolbar. Click "edit shortcuts" to add to the default shortcuts.
Customize different sets of shortcuts on the Shortcuts administration page (Manage > Configuration > User interface > Shortcuts or /admin/config/user-interface/shortcut
). Each set is a custom list of links, and users can select their preferred set on their user profile.
The selected shortcut set can be displayed as a block in any region by adding the Shortcuts block on the Blocks administration page (Manage > Structure > Block Layout or /admin/structure/block
User Menu <your-netid>
User-specific actions: Access or edit user account, or log out.
- View profile: Access your site account profile.
- Edit profile: Edit your site account profile.
- Log out: Log out of your account.
Quickstart Menu
The Quickstart link in your top menu now displays the current version number of the site you're logged into, aiding in troubleshooting and support. Clicking on this button reveals a menu of valuable tools for quick access.
- Settings: Nearly the quickest route to clear your site's cache. Navigate to Settings and click the 'Clear All Caches' button—a handy tool for content editors. This is also where custom Quickstart module settings typically live.
- Releases: This link leads you to the release notes for your current version of Quickstart. Note that this feature is available only to Content Administrators; Content Editors do not have access.
- Documentation: This link leads you to our documentation website.
- Analytics Dashboard: Directly visit your site's analytics page on data studio.